Writing Whois Kill Script????
(too old to reply)
2007-03-10 02:37:49 UTC
Can someone help me by showing me how to write a script? I am a IrCOP
on a network, and I keep having someone whoising me everyday and why
won't stop but do not want to ban, so i want to write a script to kill
them when they whois me, is there anyone who can help me? Please let
me know, I have tried, but it doesn't want to load, thanks...

2007-03-12 10:08:55 UTC
so i want to write a script to kill them when they whois me
You know that something like "kill on whois" is forbidden in most
networks? That´s something like an unnecessary demonstration of power,
and just whoising you is not a good reason for a kill.
If it begs you so much, is it really that much work typing "/kill nick"?

But this should work (if your servers run UnrealIRCd with Usermode +W
set active for you):

on 1:snotice:*did a /whois on you*: {
if (%whoiscounter. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] == 3) {
/kill $2 I sayed never whois me again bitch...
/unset %whoiscounter. [ $+ [ $2 ] ]
else { inc %whoiscounter. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] + 1
/echo -a -=[INFO]=- $+ $left($2-,-1) for %whoiscounter. [ $+ [ $2 ]
] time(s)

This snippet will kill a user after whoising you 3 times.

(GlobOp @ irc.deepirc.net)
2007-03-13 19:24:50 UTC
Post by zusel
so i want to write a script to kill them when they whois me
You know that something like "kill on whois" is forbidden in most
networks? That´s something like an unnecessary demonstration of power,
and just whoising you is not a good reason for a kill.
If it begs you so much, is it really that much work typing "/kill nick"?
Right. Why not just g-line or k-line if they've been pestering you
too much?
2015-03-22 21:36:40 UTC
Post by TheCrypter
Can someone help me by showing me how to write a script? I am a IrCOP
on a network, and I keep having someone whoising me everyday and why
won't stop but do not want to ban, so i want to write a script to kill
them when they whois me, is there anyone who can help me? Please let
me know, I have tried, but it doesn't want to load, thanks...
how to make shitkill list i did you mean when input some nickname in list and when see online this nick i want to kill auto something with notify maybe will happened
2019-06-26 05:25:26 UTC
Post by b***@gmail.com
Post by TheCrypter
Can someone help me by showing me how to write a script? I am a IrCOP
on a network, and I keep having someone whoising me everyday and why
won't stop but do not want to ban, so i want to write a script to kill
them when they whois me, is there anyone who can help me? Please let
me know, I have tried, but it doesn't want to load, thanks...
how to make shitkill list i did you mean when input some nickname in list and when see online this nick i want to kill auto something with notify maybe will happened
how much u pay?

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started 2016-02-09 08:16:28 UTC