Need Addon Kicker for Spam from Random Letter Nicks
(too old to reply)
2004-07-24 06:57:51 UTC
Hi, you know the Spam from Random Letter Nicks -- I need an Addon Kicker
for mIRC 6.01 to kick random letter nicks when they join that kicks both
lowercase and capitals and with both lowercase and capitals together and
with symbols and numbers too in the random letter nicks

I can not find one anywhere

Does anyone know where I can get one of these addons from ???

Thank You

P T Wang
2004-07-26 15:50:06 UTC
Post by Casey
Hi, you know the Spam from Random Letter Nicks -- I need an Addon Kicker
for mIRC 6.01 to kick random letter nicks when they join that kicks both
lowercase and capitals and with both lowercase and capitals together and
with symbols and numbers too in the random letter nicks
Define "random" or "non-random".
2004-07-26 20:40:22 UTC
Random Letter Nicks I mean are

both lowercase and capital letters in their random nick


all lowercase


all capitals


both lowercase and capitals with symbols and numbers


the non-random nicks don't really look like that

Post by P T Wang
Post by Casey
Hi, you know the Spam from Random Letter Nicks -- I need an Addon Kicker
for mIRC 6.01 to kick random letter nicks when they join that kicks both
lowercase and capitals and with both lowercase and capitals together and
with symbols and numbers too in the random letter nicks
Define "random" or "non-random".
P T Wang
2004-07-26 22:49:16 UTC
Post by Casey
Random Letter Nicks I mean are
both lowercase and capital letters in their random nick
Define "random" letter nicks without using the word "random".
Post by Casey
Looks random to humans, but not to computers.
Björn Friebel
2004-08-12 07:03:49 UTC
Hello, Casey!
Post by Casey
I can not find one anywhere
Does anyone know where I can get one of these addons from ???
Thank You
simply easy ;)
on join *:#channelname: {
/mode $chan +b $nick
/kick $nick


no okay there is no way. only what you can do is kickban at that
moment the spam begins
every other way will also mach your normal usres too

With best regards
