Okay I think I understand what you are asking for, but still kinda
confused. So, I am going to ask it in multipule choice form and just want
an answer of the choice. ie a,b,c,d. Please, don't quote text.
I think your asking for Answer A, but don't know.
Also, it is going to take me a few days to work on the stuff. I have to
do some remodeling to my entertainment room, because we are changing it
into a baby's room. So, my computer work station is getting relocatted and
that time it is down is going to be spent in setting up the room. So, that
happens when you have a kid. Dec 1 is my wifes due date. :)
Please, respond with:
| Answer |-> a or b or c or d
| Question |-> How do you want the script setup?
| A |->Different sets of Channels for all nicks.
Nick | They can't be on
- #2;#U;#1
- #Channel
All Nicks - #C;#D;#E
- #D;#E;Channel
- #2;#X;#Y
| B |->Different sets of Channels for different nicks.
Nick | They can't be on
- #CH
BlueWolf - #C;#D;#E
- #D;#E;CH;#PE
- #2;#X;#Y
Gler - #1;#Y;#3;#10
- #2;#U;#1
| C |->Different sets of Channels for all nicks and each nick.
- #2;#U;#1 - Then - #D;#E;CH;#PE
- #Channel - \ /
All Nicks - #C;#D;#E - > BlueWolf < - #C;#D;#E
- #D;#E;Channel - / \
- #2;#X;#Y - - #D;#E;C;#P
- #2;#U;#1 - Then - #2;#X;#Y
- #Channel - \ /
All Nicks - #C;#D;#E - > Gler < - #1;#Y;#3;#10
- #D;#E;Channel - / \
- #2;#X;#Y - - #2;#U;#1
When they first join they are compared to the global
list then again compared with a indivional<sp> list.
| D |->None of the above.
If |D| then respond with a graph or explaination on how it should