Trying to remove IRC-Ork bots
(too old to reply)
2003-07-14 02:21:42 UTC

Need something to help us check each nick as it joins our chan, and if it's
in certain chans, then ban it.

Can a text file hold a list of channels we wish to exclude from our chan, if
a nick is in all of them?
i.e. Text file has listing of following chans;

Then script does
/Whois nick
is in #channel1 AND in #channel2 AND in #channel3 AND in #channel4,
then ban nick for 'X' seconds.

Hope this makes sence and can be done.

Thanks for any input in advance.

2003-07-16 00:12:27 UTC
;You will have to make a text file in the main mirc directory with
;the channels are are ban'd.
Chans need to be setup so that nick has to be in ALL of them to be kick/ban.
Would text need to be written as
#warez, #xxx, #another, #noname

or is there a different syntac to use?

2003-07-16 01:41:43 UTC
Post by Stahtrek
Chans need to be setup so that nick has to be in ALL of them to be
kick/ban. Would text need to be written as
#warez, #xxx, #another, #noname
or is there a different syntac to use?
----- yes and no
Post by Stahtrek
That is a horse of another color. I'll do something tonight it's 8:49pm
here. Look for it in the mourning time. Shouldn't be to hard and I'll fancy
it up alittle bit. ;)

2003-07-18 17:41:03 UTC
I did a script. Yes, kinda late, but check it out and see what you think.


2003-07-19 01:13:16 UTC
Post by BlueWolf
I did a script. Yes, kinda late, but check it out and see what you think.
That's great work and is apprechiated. However, what you have set up would
look at each individual channel name and ban a nick if they were in each
individual channel. By using the method that you have made so far, we would
also be banning some of the normal regular users who are in these chans, but
not in all the chans concerned and of course this we wish to avoid

Your current method would look at each chan and ban if in any of them.
nick is in #channel1 (ban nick)
nick is in #channel2 (ban nick)
nick is in #channel3 (ban nick)
nick is in #channel4 (ban nick)
nick is in #channel5 (ban nick)

What is needed needs to look at a group of channel names and if a nick is in
the group of channels to ban them. It also needs to be flexible enough to
have several groups of listings.
nick is in #channel1 AND #channel2 AND #channel3 (ban nick)
nick is in #channel3 AND #channel1 AND #channel4 AND #channel5 (ban nick)
nick is in #channel2 AND #channel4 AND #channel3 (ban nick)

The IRC-Ork program that we are trying to get around has several channels
listed in the program for our network, but if a user selects our chan first
then it will be first in listing of channels when they join the network, but
if they select another chan, then that chan will be first in list.

Nothing like a challenge they say.....:)

2003-07-19 08:07:10 UTC
"BlueWolf" <***@namehere.com> wrote in message news:***@
Would you apply this to each person that join's your channel?
Yeap, each person needs to be checked against the list.
The nick's above would be different people with different rules of which
channels they can be in when they first join your channel.
%nick_one_channel_set #dotBBS;#dotTelnet;#dotDude
%nick_two_channel_set #dotTelnet;#dotHELP;#dotMSG;#dotDude
%nick_three_channel_set_three #dotHELP;%dotFREAK;%dotCRAP
Apply all the above to one nick?
%channel_set_one #dotBBS;#dotTelnet;#dotDude
%channel_set_two #dotTelnet;#dotHELP;#dotMSG;#dotDude
%channel_set_three #dotHELP;%dotFREAK;%dotCRAP
%nickname BlueWolf
if %nickname_chans_on is in %csone or %cstwo or %csthree then %kb = true;
Using multiple channel_sets, would need to check nick aginast all possible
Besides for the different set of channels for each nick. It works how you
ask'd. It takes a static list of #channels and compares it to what they
in. If they are in all of the channels supplied then it will +kb them.
? - You mean you run multipule channels?
Well, I am in multiple chans, but am only checking in one of them.
But once we can get this correct, I'll pass the file onto the ops in the
other chans and they will set the chans up to suit their own
situation/combination of channels.
Also, a draw back to the program is that once a person joins your channels
then joins another channel it doesn't see that they join'd the other
(unless your in that channel also) and when the list of banned channels
join'd it doesn't ban them. Only when they join your channel and are
on the channels that are in the ban list. To monitor them on a regular
to see if they join'd the supplied ban'd channels list would put alot of
overhead to the script. Since a channels nick list can run in the
then you would be checking every say 20 secs and would have to do the
every 20 secs to that list of 100 people and can be consider'd as a flood
the server and they might boot you off. So, I think the most direct way
just do it when they join your channel and not worry if they join the
channels afterwards, but if this is the case where you worry that they
join your channel first then join the banned channels afterward to avoid
ban scheme them the monitor would be the approach you should go towards.
Again though it add alot of overhead for rechecking each person.
If we get the grouping of the chans correct, it won't matter to us if they
do join one after, cos they won't be in our's :)
2003-07-19 13:05:09 UTC
Okay I think I understand what you are asking for, but still kinda
confused. So, I am going to ask it in multipule choice form and just want
an answer of the choice. ie a,b,c,d. Please, don't quote text.
I think your asking for Answer A, but don't know.

Also, it is going to take me a few days to work on the stuff. I have to
do some remodeling to my entertainment room, because we are changing it
into a baby's room. So, my computer work station is getting relocatted and
that time it is down is going to be spent in setting up the room. So, that
happens when you have a kid. Dec 1 is my wifes due date. :)


Please, respond with:
| Answer |-> a or b or c or d

| Question |-> How do you want the script setup?

| A |->Different sets of Channels for all nicks.

Nick | They can't be on
- #2;#U;#1
- #Channel
All Nicks - #C;#D;#E
- #D;#E;Channel
- #2;#X;#Y

| B |->Different sets of Channels for different nicks.

Nick | They can't be on
- #CH
BlueWolf - #C;#D;#E
- #D;#E;CH;#PE
- #2;#X;#Y
Gler - #1;#Y;#3;#10
- #2;#U;#1

| C |->Different sets of Channels for all nicks and each nick.

- #2;#U;#1 - Then - #D;#E;CH;#PE
- #Channel - \ /
All Nicks - #C;#D;#E - > BlueWolf < - #C;#D;#E
- #D;#E;Channel - / \
- #2;#X;#Y - - #D;#E;C;#P
- #2;#U;#1 - Then - #2;#X;#Y
- #Channel - \ /
All Nicks - #C;#D;#E - > Gler < - #1;#Y;#3;#10
- #D;#E;Channel - / \
- #2;#X;#Y - - #2;#U;#1

When they first join they are compared to the global
list then again compared with a indivional<sp> list.

| D |->None of the above.
If |D| then respond with a graph or explaination on how it should
