if insufficient parameters....
(too old to reply)
2003-08-03 14:19:18 UTC
on *:TEXT:*!winamp*:*:/describe $chan $dde(mPlug,format,"høre

Works fine when I play a song in winamp. But, when I dont have winamp open.
mIRC tells me * /describe: insufficient parameters

Is there a way to tell mirc if = insufficient parameters = /describe $chan
No winamp here

peet_dk was here
Website: www.peet.dk
E-mail: peet at peet dot dk
ICQ: 71309759
2003-08-04 02:52:05 UTC
"peet_dk" <peet at peet dot denmark> wrote in message news:3f2d19d6$0$32439$***@dread16.news.tele.dk...
| on *:TEXT:*!winamp*:*:/describe $chan $dde(mPlug,format,"høre
| nu:_%name_[%min:%sec~m/%br~Kbps/%sr~KHz]")
| Works fine when I play a song in winamp. But, when I dont have winamp
| mIRC tells me * /describe: insufficient parameters
| Is there a way to tell mirc if = insufficient parameters = /describe $chan
| No winamp here

alias dde {
if($dde(mPlug,format,"høre nu:_%name_[%min:%sec~m/%br~Kbps/%sr~KHz]") ==
$null) .return No winamp here
.return $dde(mPlug,format,"høre nu:_%name_[%min:%sec~m/%br~Kbps/%sr~KHz]")

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2003-08-04 16:52:07 UTC
heh.. and how do it gotta look finaly?

on *:TEXT:*!winamp*:*:/describe $chan $dde( -->NEWLINE<--
if($dde(mPlug,format,"høre nu:_%name_[%min:%sec~m/%br~Kbps/%sr~KHz]") ==
$null) .return No winamp here -->NEWLINE<--
.return $dde(mPlug,format,"høre
nu:_%name_[%min:%sec~m/%br~Kbps/%sr~KHz]") -->NEWLINE<--
) -->NEWLINE<--

dont work :/ And yes, i'm a n00b...
Post by .
| on *:TEXT:*!winamp*:*:/describe $chan $dde(mPlug,format,"høre
| nu:_%name_[%min:%sec~m/%br~Kbps/%sr~KHz]")
| Works fine when I play a song in winamp. But, when I dont have winamp
| mIRC tells me * /describe: insufficient parameters
| Is there a way to tell mirc if = insufficient parameters = /describe $chan
| No winamp here
alias dde {
if($dde(mPlug,format,"høre nu:_%name_[%min:%sec~m/%br~Kbps/%sr~KHz]") ==
$null) .return No winamp here
.return $dde(mPlug,format,"høre
Post by .
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2003-08-04 20:17:53 UTC
this is how it should be done..

on *:TEXT:*!winamp*:#:/describe $chan $iif($dde(mPlug,format,"høre
nu:_%name_[%min:%sec~m/%br~Kbps/%sr~KHz]") == $null, No winamp
here,$dde(mPlug,format,"høre nu:_%name_[%min:%sec~m/%br~Kbps/%sr~KHz]"))

hope that works for you

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2003-08-05 17:21:47 UTC
thx dude!
Post by .
this is how it should be done..
on *:TEXT:*!winamp*:#:/describe $chan $iif($dde(mPlug,format,"høre
nu:_%name_[%min:%sec~m/%br~Kbps/%sr~KHz]") == $null, No winamp
here,$dde(mPlug,format,"høre nu:_%name_[%min:%sec~m/%br~Kbps/%sr~KHz]"))
hope that works for you
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