Post by GrumpyHi Bianca,
Thanks for that, I am actually lookin for a blacklist type script that will
blacklist certain nics and addreses in a channel so as not to use the akick
Many thanks
Put this in remote section:
on @ban:JOIN:#:{ if ($ulevel == ban) { ban # $address($nick,2) | kick #
$nick Go away! You are not welcome anymore. } }
( the double = in the code!)
Now put everyone you don't like in the userslist (starting with 'ban' and a
': ' (example: ban:*!*@nastyhost.blah).
You can also use something like this to add the user by selecting the nick,
put this in popups nicklist section:
Blacklist add: /guser ban $$1 2
By selecting the nick and popup, the host of the user is added to the
userlist with level 'ban'.
The kicking works only if you have @ on the channel, adding can always be
Have fun.