(too old to reply)
2003-06-30 19:48:23 UTC
anybody know how to kick an asshole user off a channel or mirc, when
ur not an op.

there fucking not leaving me alone.
2003-06-30 20:59:03 UTC
/ignore nick 3
Post by Wizard
anybody know how to kick an asshole user off a channel or mirc, when
ur not an op.
there fucking not leaving me alone.
2003-07-01 03:58:52 UTC
if your not opped, all you can do is ignore.
done that
i want 2 kick thm rite off
Post by spearman
/ignore nick 3
Post by Wizard
anybody know how to kick an asshole user off a channel or mirc, when
ur not an op.
there fucking not leaving me alone.
2003-07-02 17:18:16 UTC
if your not oped, the only way u can do it is if there is a channel bot with
wich u can use it to kick for example in austnet: /msg chanop kick #canada
or some other bots like undernet with x,w..

if there is no bots then all u can do is ignore
Post by spearman
if your not opped, all you can do is ignore.
done that
i want 2 kick thm rite off
Post by spearman
/ignore nick 3
Post by Wizard
anybody know how to kick an asshole user off a channel or mirc, when
ur not an op.
there fucking not leaving me alone.
2003-09-15 10:19:57 UTC
fuck that you get urself a shell account preferrably root on a linux system
dns that person then ping -s 10000 123.456.789.10 and bye bye bitch

Think with your heart before you think with your mind,
but never under-estimate your mind...
done that
i want 2 kick thm rite off
Post by spearman
/ignore nick 3
Post by Wizard
anybody know how to kick an asshole user off a channel or mirc, when
ur not an op.
there fucking not leaving me alone.
Dennis Yarema
2003-07-03 17:11:06 UTC
is there a bot in the room?

if so the owner can add a script to allow users that are annoyed or harassed
to kick thru the bot if the bot is opped
Post by Wizard
anybody know how to kick an asshole user off a channel or mirc, when
ur not an op.
there fucking not leaving me alone.
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