Post by Olivier MouginHello All,
This forum looks good !
Anyway, if this question is out of order, let me know.
I am a real beginner in scripting. I would like to learn some tips about
scripting for IRC. Could you please tell me where to find dome
documentation ? which langage is better to use ? (perl, C other ?)
I recently started to learn and write scripts for mIRC
(it's shareware; use Pirch or another freeware IRC client
e.g. Xchat, HydraIRC, MegaIRC, TinyIRC, Bersirc, AdiIRC
[this list of Windows IRC clients was compiled by Coma.])
Here are some URLs where I found helpful information:
A Beginner's to Expert's Guide to IRC
this site is great - contains wonderful explanations and
examples of scripts etc.
Hints and Tips By Richard "GameGuru" Grant
This page contains hints and tips about mIRC and IRC.
good info for mirc/pirch users - has downloadable files,
tutorials, op info etc.
The New IRC Channel Operator's Guide can be found here.
A short IRC primer by Nicolas Pioch
This is a good primer written in the 1990s.
IRCprimer release sites:
ftp site location
~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ /pub/unix/irc /irc/support /pub/irc/docs
-------------------------------------------------------------- - has loads of scripts; I haven't
used any of them yet. They can be rewritten to be client
hth, Helium
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