How to begin
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Olivier Mougin
2007-05-13 17:06:04 UTC
Hello All,
This forum looks good !
Anyway, if this question is out of order, let me know.
I am a real beginner in scripting. I would like to learn some tips about
scripting for IRC. Could you please tell me where to find dome
documentation ? which langage is better to use ? (perl, C other ?)

Thanks a lot for your answers .
2007-05-14 22:27:39 UTC
Post by Olivier Mougin
Hello All,
This forum looks good !
Anyway, if this question is out of order, let me know.
I am a real beginner in scripting. I would like to learn some tips about
scripting for IRC. Could you please tell me where to find dome
documentation ? which langage is better to use ? (perl, C other ?)
Thanks a lot for your answers .
Well, considering you're posting in the mIRC scripting channel, the
mIRC scripting language is probably your best bet. In terms of
general scripting, Perl is very handy for scripting, but Python is on
the rise among some other languages. C is not a scripting language.
For documentation about mIRC, check out the helpfile included with it,
or the website, http://www.mirc.com.
2008-01-09 20:15:25 UTC
Post by Olivier Mougin
Hello All,
This forum looks good !
Anyway, if this question is out of order, let me know.
I am a real beginner in scripting. I would like to learn some tips about
scripting for IRC. Could you please tell me where to find dome
documentation ? which langage is better to use ? (perl, C other ?)
I recently started to learn and write scripts for mIRC
(it's shareware; use Pirch or another freeware IRC client
e.g. Xchat, HydraIRC, MegaIRC, TinyIRC, Bersirc, AdiIRC
[this list of Windows IRC clients was compiled by Coma.])

Here are some URLs where I found helpful information:
A Beginner's to Expert's Guide to IRC
this site is great - contains wonderful explanations and
examples of scripts etc.

Hints and Tips By Richard "GameGuru" Grant
This page contains hints and tips about mIRC and IRC.
good info for mirc/pirch users - has downloadable files,
tutorials, op info etc.
The New IRC Channel Operator's Guide can be found here.
A short IRC primer by Nicolas Pioch
This is a good primer written in the 1990s.
IRCprimer release sites:

ftp site location
~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~
nic.funet.fi /pub/unix/irc
cs.bu.edu /irc/support
coombs.anu.edu.au /pub/irc/docs

http://www.mircscripts.org - has loads of scripts; I haven't
used any of them yet. They can be rewritten to be client

hth, Helium
* Remove "-XXX" and "pi." before replying by email. *

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