Anyone here is able to DCC Send a small file to himself using mIRC 6.1? (In order to test Send.)
(too old to reply)
Dr. Pastor
2003-09-11 00:35:57 UTC
If yes, I would like to know how did you set up mIRC.
Many thanks.
2003-09-11 09:01:20 UTC
Post by Dr. Pastor
If yes, I would like to know how did you set up mIRC.
Many thanks.
You can't send a file to yourself from within the same mIRC session.
Install a second session into a new folder and use the second session to
join the same server using a different nick. Then send a file to yourself as
a test.

a.k.a PizzaTheButt a.k.a. Stahtrek
(or is that the other way around !!)
/server irc.atomicchat.net #Startrek-USA (SOP)
Dr. Pastor
2003-09-11 20:24:49 UTC
Thank you Brainiac.
Will try.
(Do you know why I can't send a file to myself in same session?
Reading the mIRC doc. I led myself to believe that I can/should.)
Thanks again.
