2005-05-08 05:47:04 UTC
I am using the IRCXpro Server. With Admin access you can change the modes
from outside the room and also don't have to be an op in the room to change
the modes either
This is a Room Ban to ban and kick the person from the room with the
reason --- the bot is not in the room and sets mode +b *!*@host from outside
the room and then kicks the person ---- /msg BOT roomban #room person
reason ---- $2 is the room -- $3 is the person -- $4- is the reason
I want to turn this into a ban and kick from the server - How Do I Re-Word
this to take out the room name and the ban and kick from the room to turn it
into ban and kick from the server ? --- with the Re-Wording to have it to
type in either the person's name or their hostname to ban them, on the
person's name to ban it using *!*@host and the kill will be to remove all
their connections on their *!*@host
the commands to ban are
KLINE name or mask :reason ---- KLINE Casey :reason -- KLINE *!*@host
and then to remove them from the server is
KILL name or mask :reason ---- KILL Casey :reason -- KILL *!*@host :reason
to remove the ban
UNKLINE name or mask
set $+(%,rb.nick,$$3) $3
set $+(%,rb.chan,$3) $$2
set $+(%,rb.reason,$3) $4-
userhost $3
closemsg $nick
raw 302:*:{ var %n = $($+(%,rb.nick,$gettok($2,1,61)),2),%c =
if ($gettok($2,1,61) == %n) { mode %c +b $+(*!*@,$gettok($2,2,64))
kick %c %n $($+(%,rb.reason,%n),2)
unset %rb.*
--- Casey ---
from outside the room and also don't have to be an op in the room to change
the modes either
This is a Room Ban to ban and kick the person from the room with the
reason --- the bot is not in the room and sets mode +b *!*@host from outside
the room and then kicks the person ---- /msg BOT roomban #room person
reason ---- $2 is the room -- $3 is the person -- $4- is the reason
I want to turn this into a ban and kick from the server - How Do I Re-Word
this to take out the room name and the ban and kick from the room to turn it
into ban and kick from the server ? --- with the Re-Wording to have it to
type in either the person's name or their hostname to ban them, on the
person's name to ban it using *!*@host and the kill will be to remove all
their connections on their *!*@host
the commands to ban are
KLINE name or mask :reason ---- KLINE Casey :reason -- KLINE *!*@host
and then to remove them from the server is
KILL name or mask :reason ---- KILL Casey :reason -- KILL *!*@host :reason
to remove the ban
UNKLINE name or mask
set $+(%,rb.nick,$$3) $3
set $+(%,rb.chan,$3) $$2
set $+(%,rb.reason,$3) $4-
userhost $3
closemsg $nick
raw 302:*:{ var %n = $($+(%,rb.nick,$gettok($2,1,61)),2),%c =
if ($gettok($2,1,61) == %n) { mode %c +b $+(*!*@,$gettok($2,2,64))
kick %c %n $($+(%,rb.reason,%n),2)
unset %rb.*
--- Casey ---