newbie need help with kick command
(too old to reply)
2004-05-09 17:27:51 UTC
Hi, I want to write script that would recognize when i am kicked and do
certain things, i wrote this:
on *:KICK:#: { if ( $nick == $me) /msg $chan Stop Kicking $me }
but the problem is that $nick is the nick of the person who kicked me, so
this script perform whenever he kicks anyone.
how can i know when it is just me?

also another question:
how can i know if i have succesfully performed the /JOIN command?

PT Wang
2004-05-10 04:55:34 UTC
Post by QuantumShadow
Hi, I want to write script that would recognize when i am kicked and do
on *:KICK:#: { if ( $nick == $me) /msg $chan Stop Kicking $me }
$nick = nickname who triggers the event... the kicker
$knick = victim
Post by QuantumShadow
how can i know if i have succesfully performed the /JOIN command?
If successful, you will actually join the channel. Use "on join".
2004-06-09 12:24:14 UTC
The identifier for the kicked nick is not $nick but $knick so just replace
it properly in your remotes. ;)

I suggest you to write it like this:
on *:KICK:#: { if ($knick == $me) { msg $chan Stop Kicking $me }}

To display a status of your /JOIN Command, you may write something like

on 1:JOIN:#: { if ($nick == $me) { echo -a JOIN Command successfully
performed. }}

Post by QuantumShadow
Hi, I want to write script that would recognize when i am kicked and do
on *:KICK:#: { if ( $nick == $me) /msg $chan Stop Kicking $me }
but the problem is that $nick is the nick of the person who kicked me, so
this script perform whenever he kicks anyone.
how can i know when it is just me?
how can i know if i have succesfully performed the /JOIN command?