2006-12-14 18:47:32 UTC
Hey, I'm use to other languages like Perl that use " and ' to make
things more readable. I'm making a script that useing /names to view
people on a channel then responds to raw 352 saves the reply as %msg352
and then later I will loop through the names and ban them if there
address matches one from my channel. However I realized that 352 sends
back @ + % before the nicks, which causes trouble. So I put
$replace(%msg352,+,'') But that isnt working =( any ideas why? I've
gone through the script and I'm sure this is the lien the error is at.
things more readable. I'm making a script that useing /names to view
people on a channel then responds to raw 352 saves the reply as %msg352
and then later I will loop through the names and ban them if there
address matches one from my channel. However I realized that 352 sends
back @ + % before the nicks, which causes trouble. So I put
$replace(%msg352,+,'') But that isnt working =( any ideas why? I've
gone through the script and I'm sure this is the lien the error is at.