2005-06-20 06:40:23 UTC
Version:0.9 StartHTML:-1 EndHTML:-1 StartFragment:0000000111
EndFragment:0000000786 Hi,
I am going to try and explain this, please let me know if it does not make
sense. I have a op in a room, the op is a bot. I want a certain list of
users to be able to issue a command like
/notice BOT !kick usernic behave yourself
The bot must then issue the chanserv command to kick the user usernic with
the reason 'behave yourself' added. This should mean they the person kicked
does not know who kicked them.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
Many thanks
EndFragment:0000000786 Hi,
I am going to try and explain this, please let me know if it does not make
sense. I have a op in a room, the op is a bot. I want a certain list of
users to be able to issue a command like
/notice BOT !kick usernic behave yourself
The bot must then issue the chanserv command to kick the user usernic with
the reason 'behave yourself' added. This should mean they the person kicked
does not know who kicked them.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
Many thanks