Mirc-DCC IP address on local info is "eaten" on connect.
(too old to reply)
2006-12-01 17:31:16 UTC
I have a problem when applying a script to enter a specific channel.
When I enter the application (but not connecting) the server and IP address
is correctly
entered in local info. When I connect the IP address is removed and DCC is
not working.
If I exit Mirc and reenter again the IP address is correct untill I connect
I can manually enter the ip address when connected and get DCC to work, but
this does not help as long as
the script will not allow me to be voiced in the channel.
I have XP firewall not on, the DCC ports are correctly forwarded in my
router/firewall, and the Mirc
parameters are automatically set up by the script.
If I physically bypass my router/gateway and connect my PC to the modem
(combined TV, PC and phone modem)
it works. I have got a fixed IP from my provider. (actually dynamic, but
timers are set at the provider in a way that
enables me to get the same IP).
I have also had a lot of help from the op's in the channel, but still
Anyone who can give me a hint?

2006-12-08 03:55:40 UTC
In the "connect > local info" options..

"on connect always get": localhost (selected) "lookup method": server
when the lookup method server is used, mirc should set your host/ip
entries to that of your gateway.
(method normal will set your host/ip entries to your LAN..

is that what you are looking for?!
Post by tsk
I have a problem when applying a script to enter a specific channel.
